Please click on an event or organisation for more information.

For more information on public activities, or to book The Broomhall Centre for your own private event, please contact us on or head over to our bookings page.

The Broomhall Foodbank is open every Monday 10.30 – 12.00 (except bank holidays).

We provide a food parcel and additional support around financial hardship resulting in the need for food.

  • If you need our help, you will need a referral from a recognised support organisation (eg a social worker, housing officer, GP etc).
  • Or, you can call us to discuss your need on 01143 210733 (Mon- Fri 11.00-13.00 ).
  • You can also call Help Through Hardship on 0808 20 82138 (Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00).

HATHA YOGA    Mondays 7.30 – 9pm

Ann leads Hatha yoga in a flow of movement. Postures are adapted so it is accessible to all. Most folk are local to Broomhall and many are older than 60. It is a friendly, open-minded group sharing a circle of movement and breath and ending the session with a short visualisation and relaxation.

Cost is £6 a session (as at November 2023) and, after paying for room hire, any remaining money goes to a charity chosen by group members.  

Bring warm clothing/blanket for the relaxation session. Ann has spare mats and blocks if needed. New members will need to fill in a simple medical form for Ann’s eyes only (for her insurance).






Tuesdays 11am-1pm

From 11am, Ladies can try their hand at sewing, knitting or crochet. We provide equipment and have wonderful volunteers to help keep things going. 

Fridays 11am-1pm

Between 11am and 12 noon, we have our all-abilities women’s English Conversation Club. Then, at 12 noon, ladies can join in with a fun one-hour zumba/exercise class suitable for all fitness levels.

All ladies of all abilities welcome to any & all of our activities 

All activities are free to attend. Some activities run term-time only.

Samba Band

For further information go to their website or Facebook


Wednesdays 12:30pm 

Come along every week and enjoy a free, tasty meal and great company. Everybody is welcome!

For more info, please email or visit

Wednesdays 2pm-4pm 

Each week we get together to chat, craft, watch TV and enjoy hot drinks. Join us!

Nmote: we are also on the lookout for a reliable volunteer host to help out with tea-making duties at these sessions – if you are interested please do get in touch!

For more info, please email 

Sessions for younger and older girls. A safe space to hang out with activities and outings.

Contact Sahra Ahmed at

Employment advice

This project is run by Hanover TARA (Tenants and Residents Association). Abdi Ahmed is local to Broomhall and has years of experience helping people into work, often their first jobs or after a period of unemployment.

He is available at the Broomhall Centre once a week. Contact him by email or phone: or 07305 828763

Homework Club is a place for students who struggle to complete homework tasks at home. We offer a warm and welcoming environment from 17.00 – 18.45 on a Thursday evening for students from Year 3 through to Year 13.

What we offer

  • Space to complete homework, including laptops and an internet connection 
  • Subject specific student mentors from the University of Sheffield
  • A drink and a biscuit!


  • We ask for £1 donation per session 

To find out more, please visit linklearning. education/register

Broomhill & Sharrow Vale Branch Labour Party meets here monthly. We’re the members of the nationwide Labour political party that live in the Broomhill & Sharrow Vale ‘ward’ area.

Broomhill & Sharrow Vale is one of Sheffield’s 28 wards, and one of four that make up Sheffield Central parliamentary constituency (MP: Paul Blomfield). Most of Broomhall is in Broomhill & Sharrow Vale ward, so many Labour-supporting Broomhall residents are members of our Branch.

Labour is the UK’s main left-of-centre political party, committed to social justice, reduction of poverty, environmental concern and protection of public services. Labour is the largest party in Sheffield Council’s governing 3-party coalition (along with Liberal Democrats and Greens). Nationally, Labour is the main opposition party, working to replace the present Conservative Party government.

Viva Voce Chamber Choir

Rehearses fortnightly at the Broomhall Centre. It is a true chamber choir of 20 singers where every voice counts. All ages and professions are represented, the majority have a good musical educational background with secure sight-reading – skills. There is a reciprocal audition process.

The repertoire is challenging and eclectic including unapologetic high-brow sophistication but also realising the debt owed to the folk roots of different cultures from European traditions and further afield. The group embraces and showcases the Choral Canon including early music and contemporary composers, but constantly seeks repertoire beyond it.

Viva Voce welcomes new venues, audiences, repertoires and creative collaborations.



Fridays at the Broomhall Centre llam – 12 noon!

A group for women whose first language is not English. It’s not an English course, but a chance to practise speaking English with others.

Two retired male volunteers, Vic and Jim, help with the group. Between them they have many years of experience in language teaching and in helping with groups for people to learn and practise English.

Se habla español en Sheffield is a complementary Spanish language school that encourages and reinforces the use of language and the traditions among families from Spanish Speaking countries who live in the South Yorkshire region.
We meet every Saturday from 10am to 12pm and offer different activities from storytelling, sports, singing and Spanish lessons.


Crown of Life Community Church

Members are drawn from across Sheffield. Meets at 10am for worship, followed by lunch.

Contact Heidi Frisby on


  • CGMI Sheffield is a Christian charity organization dedicated to advancing the Christian faith in Sheffield and Its Environs. We preach and teach the birth, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Regularly scheduled services incorporating elements of prayer, music, scripture reading, and sermons etc
  • Regularly schedule educational programs and workshops on various aspects of Christianity and we also organize events for students on how they can succeed in their academics/Studies.
  • Establishing partnerships with local organizations, actively participating in community events, and addressing pressing social issues.
  • Engaging in evangelistic campaigns, community events, and collaborative efforts with local churches and organizations.
  • CGMI Sheffield is open for everyone attend and participant

Our first service was held at Broomhall centre on August 8, 2021.

We are a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and were the first Cumberland Presbyterian mission point to be established in England.

Our church members are all Hong Kongers who have moved to the UK since 2020-21.

We now have Sunday services at Broomhall centre every week. The time is 8:45-10:00 a.m.

Broomhall Centre Film Nights

Regular sunday film night

Free (donation optional)

Refreshments available to purchase

Call in to join our mailing list, or email

We hold our Home Grown Ceilidhs together with partner organisations on Sunday evenings on an irregular basis.

Come and dance with us! There is usually a caller to guide us all, food to share, a bar and raffle.

The band is also available to book for parties, fund-raisers and events.

Details of forthcoming events and how to contact us on our website: